19 EDM culture is my life vegetarian for 7 years

Monday, October 27, 2014


this system was improved over the years.  this system has a floppy disk and other feature that can be plugged in and added on. these extra features were revolutionary. This computer system is considered revolutionary. Although it was ground breaking it suffered from a lot of issues which needed to be fixed later on.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Steve Jobs

It really moved me how Jobs himself mentioned how he never graduated college and how he was moved to go to college. He goes deeply into his personal life and his birth mother. his life was not that early. His story of how his academics were based off of his parents. He was originally forced by his parents to choose to go to college. Dropping out of college helped him learn about academics. He was a brilliant man who used his motivation as a young mind to drop out and select what kinds of classes that he wanted to take. He used his class on typography to program the first Mac to have the first types of fonts. Jobs used his shortcomings to be successful.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Monday, October 13, 2014

alan turing

In class a couple of days ago we learned about a man named Alan Turing. After doing a bit of research I have learned that he was a pretty incredible guy. I learned that he went to Princeton and worked for a secret british department. He had many brilliant plans but his peers and co-workers would always shut them down or dismiss them. In 1952 he was arrested and tried for being gay. He was operated on and tested on to cure him from his sexuality and as a result of this he commited suicide and his works have been recognized today. He was a brilliant man who has tortured during his day and age for being who he was which cut into the life of a brilliant man.

Mark J. Stocks

this is my favorite image by Mark J Stocks. Its so peaceful I love the look of smoke to me it looks like cigaret  smoke in the night air. I also love who wispy and airy it looks. I almost want to reach out to touch it. The process of how he does his art also captivates me.


I love how in the past radio was just as important and entertaining as tv is today. The one radio show that entertained me was the original  War of The Worlds. It convinced people that the world was truly coming to an end. The shock value was important because it air during a  normal broadcast and sounded truly realistic. It made the nation be in a state of panic I find it funny how someones voice can convince you that New Jersey is being invaded by aliens.